Thursday 22 September 2011

New netbook and my lucky shirt

I've been in HK for a month now, and today, things went so great, I just had to say it out.

First, a friend of mine who works in my university (not a student) gave me a netbook for free! Well, ok. The netbook isn't some crazy powerful netbook, it only has 500MB RAM, 4GB memory space (2GB taken up by windows) and a really old processor. But after reinstalling the whole thing (which required me waking up every 2 hours through the night yesterday), it works great!!. In fact, I am writing this post using it right now.

The second thing, I think I have found my lucky shirt. OK, there's this girl over here that I kinda like, but the thing is its impossible for me to see her around school (I can never find her!) except for one class that we have together. And so far, I've met her in school 3 times, each time wearing the same shirt, a bright pink Calvin Klein shirt that my dad used to wear, but bright pink isn't really for his age any more.

Since everytime I see this girl I wear the same shirt, I just thought its my lucky shirt. Haha.

Awesome day.

How are you guys doing??? Post more!


  1. Nice that you got a new netbook! Got a deal that is even sweeter than mine...!

    And LOL, good luck with the girl. Well, I'm sure you don't need any wishes from me since you already have your 'lucky shirt' to give you luck...

  2. haha she prolly thinks you only have like three shirts. good luck though.
